The Gundam Elite

Kevin Stryker | Trowa Barton | Heero Yuy | Eric Stryker | Sabastian Darian | Mech Defender | Hanson Mikal | Ranks

Life...Death...Rebirth...the endless cycle that leads those who are chosen, back to their home.

This Thing Flashes.....coooooool.......

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Trowa Barton is forever owed a debt from this great army. In Kevin's time absence, Trowa stepped up and led the way, keeping what he and Kevin built from falling apart. The Gundam Elite will forever be grateful.

"Death itself can never die...for life and death are but windows and doors...each to be open and well as passed through here and there, forming a never ending cycle of depature and return..."
-Kevin Stryker

Want to become a Gundam Elite?

If you are a decent RPer, and by that you actually describe actions instead of one-sentence attacks, seek out Trowa_Barton_Elite_Gundam_Pilot.